I have those tires on my renault clio for almost 2 years and I would only recommend them to people that will never drive their car even on 4/10 of its potential. If you ever take a turn with even 10kmh above the "leisure driving" speed, then you'll end up with a BadYear..
I will start with the good points about this tire:
- On leisure drives they are ok and not noisy at-all (at least on the size I use) also no squeals when hot,
- Pretty much great fuel consumption, i get around 6 l/100km in Athens-Greece which is a big achievement in our jungle roads,
- Pretty much no tire wear on my time with them,
- On wet roads they have ok handling, they don't feel dangerous when driving below 4/10.
Huge exclamation mark, all the above points apply ONLY when driving cautiously and NEVER drive spiritedly.
The points I wish I knew before picking them up:
- ZERO feel of how the car will react next.
One moment it grips, the next it snaps. To this point contributes the no noise "good" point from above. No squeaks, no squeals, no nothing. One moment you drive a car with four wheels the next you are an ice skater without skates.
- No steering feel. Take a turn at 6/10 of the car's capabilities it starts with some steering feel, progresses to feeling that you tip-toe on the sidewalls of the tire and concludes to NoYear, i guess.
- Terrible break performance on hot climates with scorching asphalt. This point doesn't even apply when you drive spiritedly. I specifically remember the nightmare having to do a completely normal stop from 15kmh in a slight downhill and the ABS engaged fully. It could be the world's slowest slight tap on front car's bumper. Very dangerous.
- ZERO fun to be had. Between tip-toeing on the sidewalls and counting your RemainingYears this tires such every bit of fun out of driving.
My review comes from a 30ish person's point of view without the road racing gin in my dna.
Previous tires were 4 year old Pirelli Cinturato P1 Verde, same dimension, from a completely different dimension. Even with disintegrating sidewalls the handling and feel was leagues better. I would say those 4 year old tires where substantially safer-feeling than the (then) brand new GoodYear EfficientNoGrip.
So (atleast on my tire size) only consider them if you will:
- never drive spiritedly,
- never break hard on emergencies,
- never try to avoid anything in a straight line.
They are perfect:
- for driving in the worlds straightest line,
- consuming as low fuel as possible,
- enjoying jelly very much
- having no regard for your own and others around you lives.
In any other case, don't be me and avoid them at all cost.