The snow has arrived - how are your tires coping?

Over the past 7 days the UK has seen its earliest cold snap for 17 years, bringing with it plenty of frost, ice and snow.
While many TireReviews readers have switched to winter tires, a large percentage of readers will still be using summer tires. Whether you switched to winter tires or are still running on summer tires we'd love to hear how they're performing.
While summer tires should never be scored on their winter tire performance, it would be great to hear about anecdotal experiences in the discussion section below. If you've fitted winter tires, we would love to hear your experiences, good or bad, by leaving a full tire review along with your comments below to help others decide which winter tires will perform best on their car.
If you''re new to winter tires you can check out our helpful winter tire guides here:
- 7 reasons to consider winter tires- 2010 Winter tire buying guide
Everyone at TireReviews is looking forward to some great winter tire discussion below...