I had these tires fitted to my 3rd gen Toyota Sienna AWD and have been driving with the same vehicle for the past four years, all up I would've had these tires on for a good 30000kms over that period and switched between summer and winter tires every 6 months. For summer I ran Goodyear EfficientGrip SUV HP01.
These tires gave me the confidence to take on slush when wet and cold dry. Where I lived was typically dry during winter but could get cold (I've seen down to -21 celsius) with some good snow days. My driving was typically long sweeping roads and highways with some dodgy farm roads thrown into the mix - these tires took it all in their stride.
I was able to drive through the last cold season on the original set. Suffered a few punctures but that's more due to unavoidable road debris (nails etc.) than the tires themselves. I've added that this is an end-of-life review as they were nearing replacement but it was also when I sold the vehicle (I gave the tires to the next owner).
If I still lived in a country that would frequent sub-zero temperatures I wouldn't hesitate to buy these tires again.