Nokian Outpost nAT vs Hakkapeliitta R5 vs WRG4 vs One

4 Premium Touring All Season tires tested in 265/65 R17 |   Published November 14th, 2023 by Jonathan Benson
Below are all the data points for the Nokian Outpost nAT vs Hakkapeliitta R5 vs WRG4 vs One, displaying how each tire performed across all test categories. The spider chart below provides a complete overview of performance, where one hundred percent represents the best performance in each category. The larger the area covered by each tire's plot, the better its overall performance.


Snow Performance Details

Snow Braking (M)

Snow braking in meters (Lower is better)

Snow Traction (s)

Snow acceleration time (Lower is better)

Snow Handling (s)

Snow handling time in seconds (Lower is better)

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