I just fitted a a new set of Falken’s Azenis FK510 on my BMW 4 series to replace my worn Michelin PSS, because of unavailability PS4S in the size I needed.
I am very impressed with the tires. They are very new in here and are 20-25% cheaper than the similar Michelin PS4S.
The performance is comparable to the PSS. It’s roadholding and handling is comparable, if not slightly better. First off, the tires are very much lighter and I immediately felt that the steering effort significantly less, steering is sharper, comfort is better than the Michelin. Damping over undulations is better and more muted. Braking is also better. It is noticeably quieter than PS4 on my sons Focus and the PSS on my 4 series. My only gripe is that it has made the steering a little too light and twitchy at speeds.
So far, there is no appreciable loss in performance from the lower price.
I will wait for the first rain, my upcoming long distance drive, and long term wear, to revise this review on these points.